
The idea for SPOTTERON was born during a hiking trip after we discovered wild littering in an otherwise pristine forest. The devastating sight set our brain cells in motion and, four years and thousands of hours of passionate work, a platform for Citizen Science has emerged.

Citizen Science Experience

quote philipp socialnetwork2Citizen Science has a lot of potentials if done right. We believe that the symbiosis of scientific or environmental goals with those amazing high-tech computers and sensors each of us carries around in our pockets every day can help not only scientific research but also the way people recognize and care about their surroundings. By their ongoing involvement, Citizen Scientists become part of something much bigger - a growing and curious community.


Through its conceptual accessibility, we now can keep the running costs for a complete service for the projects as low as possible. Our long-term goal is to provide this always-maintained and ever-improved system to Citizen Science, Environment Conservation and Social Projects worldwide as a professional and reliable service. At the same time, we are also keeping the users in mind and fostering community growth and interaction between citizens and scientists.

Citizen Science for Everyone

With funding programmes like Horizon Europe by the European Union, global warming, sustainability and public engagement stand in the focus. We at SPOTTERON are happy and proud to contribute to the fulfilment of the goal to tackle future problems and increase awareness - not only at people who are already connected to science but to immerse a broader audience into environment observation and social change. Imagine the power Citizen Science and Community Empowerment has if it becomes a daily trait for all of us. Imagine how the world would change.

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Apps for Change

With user-oriented Citizen Science Apps and a wide range of interactive features, this can become a reality. On SPOTTERON, we work on achieving this goal by fostering collaboration and a "Feature Ecosystem", which allows Citizen Science projects to build on each other and reach new ways of interaction and innovation.

SPOTTERON builds upon this vision of an ongoing collaboration between Citizen Science project, designers, developers and also the Citizen Scientists to create the Citizen Science toolkit of the future - because Citizen Science itself is all about working together, too.


Are you a researcher, project team, stakeholder or organisation?
Let's start a collaboration and increase the impact of Citizen Science together:

Contact us


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