Environmental Citizen Science, Data Collection, Monitoring App


Institute of Silviculture, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna
App Mockup

spotFIRE is a Citizen Science project focusing on forest fire and fuel management to reduce forest fire risk, initiated by BOKU University (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna). The project aims to evaluate the suitability of a mobile phone application inspired by citizen science approaches to measure forest fuel data and collect information on forest fire events for fire risk management in mountainous regions.

Fighting Fire with Citizen Science

Participants will be able to collect data on vegetation cover, providing crucial insights into the fuel load and potential fire intensity. Furthermore, the mobile application allows users to report a forest fires event, including the environmental impact and damage assessments, facilitating a comprehensive understanding of the consequences of forest fires. By engaging citizens as active contributors, the spotFIRE project aspires to raise awareness to improve fire prevention efforts from the general public and support the implementation of fire management strategies.

Live Citizen Science Map Application from spotFIRE

Open map
CTA - Draft
CTA - Preise
CTA - Prices
CTA - Projektentwurf
Spot the World Headline
Spot the World Headline DE