Geology Citizen Science App

QuakeWatch Austria

App Mockup

QuakeWatch Austria - an initiative of ZAMG (Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics) - involves broad sections of the population in earthquake research. The objective is to record earthquake perceptions and effects in Austria more quickly and precisely. The collected data of the Citizen Scientists support a better assessment of the hazard of future earthquakes.

The Citizen Science App QuakeWatch is used for the macroseismic collection of shaking reports from the population. These should help people to report their observations to the Austrian Seismological Service at ZAMG via Smartphone. The App offers users the following information and possibilities:

  • View current earthquakes in Austria and worldwide
  • Observe the intensity of an earthquake and report it in the App
  • Document building damage caused by earthquakes
  • Guide: How to behave correctly during an earthquake
  • Arranged earthquake lists, sortable by Austria/Europe/World
  • Interactive map, various information about the epicentre
  • Contribution to the safety of the population
  • Support in determining the earthquake risk in Austria


Image Seperator

Live Citizen Science Map Application from QuakeWatch Austria

Open map
CTA - Draft
CTA - Preise
CTA - Prices
CTA - Projektentwurf
Spot the World Headline
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