For IPM Popillia, we designed a folder for the Italian Citizen Science Conference in Pisa, which took place last weekend. This folder serves as an introduction to the project for fellow Citizen Science initiatives and individuals potentially interested in becoming Citizen Scientists. It includes key details about the project, insights on ...
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The Citizen Science Award 2023, organized by OeAD, is currently taking place in Austria from April 1st to July 31st. Those who participate in one of the eight projects, will have the chance to win and be part of the Young Science Conference in October 2023. We are proud to announce that two of our project partners belong to the ...
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A healthy soil ecosystem is essential for sustainable food production and plays a significant role in maintaining biodiversity. However, there is not yet a good understanding of which soil attributes are most important. Does a healthy, productive soil have high biological diversity, or is a good soil structure more important? 'Slip of Evidence' aims to get to the bottom of these questions.
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