Collaborative Citizen Science - Project synergies in extension ecosystem

Thursday, 09 August 2018 23:48

All Citizen Science projects on the SPOTTERON platform can use all custom extensions on the platform without additional costs from the start.

By this concept, we were able to build a feature rich environment for Citizen Science over the last years with the help of various projects, which all contributed building blocks to the whole set of functionalities. Every new project can utilize the complete pool of features in their own custom Citizen Science apps and get also new features by regular updates during the whole runtime. The available extensions range from a full social community, offline modes, many types of form elements for the project's dialog to add observations, chronological observation rows, compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation and much more.

Chart of important extension on the SPOTTERON Citizen Science platform

chart custom citizen science app extensions

Various Citizen Science project apps on the SPOTTERON platform:

6 modern Citizen Science App Examples

CTA - Draft
CTA - Preise
CTA - Prices
CTA - Projektentwurf
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