New Version release! SPOTTERON 2.5 brings Offline Maps and Badges for all Citizen Science apps

Tuesday, 06 November 2018 22:13

With the new SPOTTERON platform version 2.5 we bring two more highlights to all apps on the Citizen Science platform: First of all, the Offline Maps & Spots feature allows users to download map areas and spots on their phone for having them present, even when there is no internet connection available. This feature is a big improvement, specially for Citizen Science Apps, in which the main activity takes place often outdoors in the field where web connectivitiy is not always a given thing.


In a fresh panel, accessable by the app's main menue, all users can find the necessary tools for

  • naming, defining and downloading map areas to their devices
  • deleting downloaded maps on their devices
  • refresh map areas on their devices

All offline maps are displayed as a list and can be named individually by the user.

  • list and review spots
  • delete downloaded copies of spots
  • refresh single spots or refresh all spots

In the main view of the app, users can additionally download single spots manually to their devices by simply using the spot-detail menue when viewing a particular spot.

As a second highlight, the new badges will bring more fun to the apps. Badges are achievements which users can collect by being active in the app and curious about their environment.

SPOTTERON OfflineMode Main File


  • badges are visible on a new panel in the user's profile. All badges achieved are listed there.
  • each new badge is introduced by its own dialog in the app
  • each new badge is visible to all people who follow a user in the newsfeed wall
  • while getting first badges is an easy task, the difficulty of advanced badges does increase

If you have already been active in the Citizen Science app and submitted spots and observations, you will receive all your so far obtained badges after the app update.
Please note: Since this update is relying on a server update, it can happen that you see some empty notifications on your newsfeed wall until the update is ready on your phone.


badges preview CW blogversion


Both extensions have been made possible by the project "Crowdwater" of the university of Zurich, Switzerland and are available to use by all projects on the SPOTTERON platform.
For projects, we can also design custom badges (look out for custom badges in the Crowdwater Citizen Science app @ and implement them.

With the new features, the scope of extensions, which are available for every new app joining on the SPOTTERON platform, did grow further. Both Offline Maps and Badges are great extensions for all future Citizen Science apps and projects.

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