Six years of Citizen Science: Europe on SPOTTERON

Wednesday, 08 January 2020 19:08

It has been six years since we started the first apps on the SPOTTERON platform and what a journey this has been!

Within that time, users in the apps have contributed hundreds of thousands of observations across the world, helping scientists and organisations to collect vital data for their research. In turn, this data helps us to understand the world around us a little better and also provides inputs on how to tackle the challenges of our time.

It is therefore with great pleasure to present you this short but beautiful visualisation of our journey so far.

In this timeline, you can see how many spots Citizen Scientists created in Europe alone across all the apps running on the SPOTTERON platform in the past six years. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did!


Of course, we also have data from other parts of the world!

In this graphic from North America, you can clearly see the spots from Roadkill (in grey) that have been taken alongside major US roads.

USA spots6years

A big thank you to all Citizen Scientists around the globe, who made this possible! We hope to continue this journey with you in 2020 and beyond.

Happy Spotting!

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