The SPOTTERON Citizen Science Community is now on Discord!

Tuesday, 23 March 2021 17:36

Are you a SPOTTERON Partner who wishes to engage with Citizen Scientists on the Plattform more directly?
Do you have questions about a specific project or SPOTTERON in general that you want to ask quickly or any issues to report, but you don’t like to send an e-mail?
Search no more; we’ve got you covered!

Join us on the SPOTTERON Discord channel! 

Discord is a user-friendly no-fuss communication platform for more direct engagement with a community.
Known and established within the gaming world, Discord allows you to create channels for all kinds of different topics.

A Discord Chanel for your Citizen Science Project!

We are happy to set up your own channels for individual projects on the SPOTTERON discord server as a direct means of communication and feedback between you and your Citizen Science App users.
If you would like your own Discord channel for your Citizen Science Projekt, please get in contact via, and we will proceed from there.

Join our Discord channel here!


CTA - Draft
CTA - Preise
CTA - Prices
CTA - Projektentwurf
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