
App Production Process

From Concept to the live Smartphone Apps and project tools

An established procedure is in place for designing and producing a project's Apps. The multi-step process spawns from drafting the input dialog for data submissions and collecting all App contents in a central document. From a Kickoff Meeting to App Release, we work closely with your team to design and develop your interactive Applications and digital toolkits from a text representation over visual previews to a final App prototype.

App Production Roadmap:

1) Kickoff Meeting and project consultation

As a first step, a Kickoff Meeting with your project team marks the start of the collaboration and the creation process. Together we walk through the project requirements and generate practical solutions as outcomes. Furthermore, we talk about applied digital ethics and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) practice, intellectual property, and data rights when running software with user inclusion and public participation.

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2) Text draft & content collection

After the Kickoff Meeting, we will provide you with the online living document as a central place for all definitions and content of the upcoming App. The core of the living document is the definition of what users can enter as data in your project. Based on your first versions, we collaborate on creating an optimal data input structure with clear headlines, high usability, and a draft of all interactive elements, like buttons, text fields, selection lists, and more. This "WorkDoc" includes sections for all necessary project descriptions, Name definitions, partner listings, and other content elements. For projects with the SPOTTERON package B, we define the domain under which your project website should be reachable publicly here and register the domain name for you.
When all remarks are solved, and the living document reaches a finished stage, we proceed to the next step of preview production.

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3) App Previews

With the final living document contents, we start the production of the visual styles and elements for your project's App. An image preview of every button, text field, or all other input components in place allows your team to review and overview all App design elements at one glance. Additionally, we provide color previews of the App's interface to select which color scheme your project should have. If your project does not yet have an App Logo, we are happy to design it for you and include it also already in the App's preview images.

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4) Project Website Launch

If your project uses the SPOTTERON Package B, which includes a Content Management System (CMS) based professional project website, we set up your project's online presence in this step and launch it under the domain chosen. After designing and implementing the website's system and components and the setup of the starting content, we introduce the easy-to-use Content Management Interface to you in an online call with screen sharing. With the flexible Content Management System, your team can use the website as you like and start creating new pages and categories and uploading your media from the start.

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4) App Prototype / Launch Phase

When the image previews do not raise any corrections, we start with the production of the App. From that point, we calculate 4 - 6 weeks for the technical development, setup, and asset creation process if no new features have to be custom developed within your project.
In the last week(s) of production, we can provide an App prototype as APK (Android Package) to your team to test the App or launch the App for you directly on the App Stores (Android, IOS) to review a real live version.

5) Ongoing support & maintenance

As with every complex digital tool, an App needs continuous maintenance. After your project's apps launch, we are ongoingly providing platform system patches for your Android and IOS Smartphone Apps and the Web Application for browsers. Our team stands ready if questions or new requirements arise during the runtime and provides technical support to your team.

We are looking forward to the collaboration!

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