Klaus Wanninger, Lacon
Daniel Dörler, University of Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna
Barbara Strobl, University of Zurich
Simon Etter, University of Zurich
Juliane Stark, University of Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna
Magdalena Gärtner, Center for Human-Computer Interaction, University of Salzburg
Florian Heigl PhD, University of Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna
Dr. Dott. Didone Frigerio, University of Vienna, KLF Grünau/Almtal
Thomas Hübner, Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik ZAMG
Matilda Arnell, University of Stockholm
Kjell Bolmgren, University of Stockholm
Yasemin Tutav, Science et Cité
Jen Sutfin, EarthWatch Australia
Matthew Hall, University of Sydney
Irmgard Greilhuber, Mycological Society Austria, University of Vienna
Daniel Fähle, National Archive Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Johannes Frauscher, GLOBAL 2000, Friends of Earth Austria
Bram Vanthournout, Ghent University
Dr. Taru Sandén, Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety - AGES
Prof. Jan Seibert, Department of Geography Hydrology and Climate, University of Zurich
Jules Bruck, University of Delaware
Simon Musila, Mammalogy Section, National Museums of Kenya
Sara Blanco Ramirez, PhD student, Hydrology and Climate
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