Impressions from national park Lobau

Impressions from national park Lobau

This weekend we got do some Shinrin Yoku and recharged our batteries in our very beloved viennese nature conservation area: Lobau, which is part of the national parc Danube-Auen, has been a protected area since 1978 and is our favourite playground for Citizen Science Adventures.

We brought home some pictures and spots in the various Citizen Science apps running on the SPOTTERON platform, where you can support research projects from various fields like hydrology, phenology, ornithology, etc.

We will post a selected gallery here, so you can calm yourselves, simulate some forest-bathing and recharge your own batteries if you can't make it out into the field this week.
"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks." (John Muir)
To not destroy your well-beings effects, we kept all pictures of trash we collected there to ourselves, because just looking at it makes us sad and it's enough that this cast a shadow on our moods.

So enjoy everyone! Should this inspire you to ever go there yourself, just bring a bag so you can take all your trash home with you ;-)

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