Meet CrowdWater! - SPOTTERON Citizen Science Adventure

Meet CrowdWater! - SPOTTERON Citizen Science Adventure

Since the European Geosciences Union EGU holds its anual meeting in Vienna, Austria, we took the opportunity to catch up with Crowdwater, a  Science project about hydrology and water levels of rivers, soil moisture and stream spotting, running on the SPOTTERON Citizen Science platform.

Besides building smartphone apps for Citizen Science one of our expertises is also to create videos about science projects and events, we brought some of our equipment with us to record a short clip. On our short trip to the outskirts of Vienna, Simon Etter from the university of Zurich UZH in Switzerland gives an overview about the project, its goals and how participation in the Crowdwater Citizen Science app work. Enjoy!

We have embedded this video clip with enhanced privacy mode enabled.

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