SPOTTERON | Project Roadkill at the European Green Week in Brussels 2015

SPOTTERON | Project Roadkill at the European Green Week in Brussels 2015

International Citizen Science projects in SPOTTERON? - Done easily!
We want to congratulate the project team of Citizen Science Austria and Project Roadkill for their well done presentation at the European Green Week 2015 in Brussels, Belgium today. Since both projects are powered by SPOTTERON, the easy-to-use smartphone app system for citizen science and projects in environment conservation, we also have been present at this important event.

If you got questions regarding SPOTTERON or want to launch (or relaunch) your own citizen science app, please don't hesitate to contact us via email at or via phone at 0043 676 598 2272 - we will be happy to provide more information about SPOTTERON or support your own project with our system. Thanks a lot!

SPOTTERON Apps for Apple iPhones!
Green Week Brussels 2015

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