This project has received funding
from the European Union's Horizon Europe
research and innovation program
under grant agreement No. 101135343.
> Learn more about Citizen Science
in Horizon Europe Partnerships
SPOTTERON's contribution in the TRANSEATION project is to develop an interactive Citizen Science App for not only data entry and administration but also communication and user participation. Integrated in the App will be new forms of data input options, data connectors to external data sources, and AI image recognition feedback to participants or data analysis. The toolkit will also provide Application Programming Interface to allow the partners to fetch data from the app to other applications. Furthermore, project partners will create user base in different pilot areas to provide feedback via the TRANSEATION website.
Both the Horizon Europe projects EFFECTIVE and TRANSEATION culminate in the COSEA Citizen Science App that is geared towards marine and biodiversity restoration and protection, integrating communication and community-building tools for both citizen and scientists.
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Read more about Citizen Science Cooperations for Horizon Europe