Thanks for the many interesting submissions and your paticipation in the SPOTTERON Citizen Science contest for getting a free App in Europe! We are finally able to announce the winner (and a follow up project as second place) here on our Citizen Science blog:
Winning Project:
"Mein Rhein"
Mein Rhein is an international citizen science project run by the teacher of geography Jelle Kabbes, who is building a network of schools along the Rhine that see the river as a ideal research location. The students research waterquality, biodiversity and fish migration allong the Rhine catchment from the Swiss source all the way to the Dutch deltas. We try to build a river based learning network with scientific and cultural exchangement.
Institution: GLOBE Netherlands and Rembrandt College
Follow Up:
"Our Outdoors"
Good quality outdoor spaces are important assets for fostering health and wellbeing and people are becoming increasingly aware of the link between the places we live and spend time and our health. While there is a growing body of research that highlight the link between green spaces and health, there is still a lot we don’t know.This citizen science project will work with the public to gain a better understanding of the impact urban and rural shared outdoor spaces have on health and wellbeing. The project will also explore whether shared outdoor spaces impact people’s health and wellbeing differently and if so, why? We are currently developing resources, and a robust survey, that people can use in outdoor spaces to measure how it affects their health, both positively and negatively. We then hope they can use this information to create change in their communities (if the space is unhealthy) or promote the space to their community (if it is healthy). We also wish this data to be available to town planners and other policy makers who make decisions about how shared space is created or maintained.
Institution: University of Edinburgh