EXPLORE CITIZEN SCIENCE - a co-created video clip for free use

Monday, 23 September 2019 01:01

During the iDiv Summer School 2019 "Citizen Science – Innovation in Open Science, Society, and Policy" in Leipzig, Germany, we co-created the concept for a free Citizen Science video called "Explore Citizen Science", which you can download and use freely.

A free Citizen Science video for everyone

Together with the participants and the mentors, we formed the idea to produce something, which has not just a short-lived purpose. We filmed and produced a video clip, that can help Citizen Science platforms and projects to promote their work and spark interest in Citizen Science. To further increase the flexibility of use, we produced three additional clips as short episodes. These bonus clips can serve as video ads for Citizen Science and be included in playlists at conferences or as pre-rolls in other CitSci videos. The videos' goal is to get people who not have yet joined a Citizen Science project curious to discover Citizen Science and start exploring their world.

Explore Citizen Science Video


Use the "Explore Citizen Science" video clips
on your own website or social media

The videos are released as under:
Creative Commons Licence Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0)

Which means that:

1) you can download the video and use it anywhere for free – even upload it to your own website, Vimeo or YouTube channel, social media, etc as long you:

2) always cite the authorship correctly with this complete string:

Video: a co-created project by iDiv | produced by SPOTTERON Citizen Science (CC BY-ND)
Music: "Reach for Success" by scottholmesmusic.com (CC BY-NC)

Please always use this string with the links intact.
On social media, please tag the pages/accounts of @iDiv and @SPOTTERON in the citation of the authorship or use the URLs https://www.idiv.de and https://www.spotteron.net

If you also want to embed the Logos of iDiv and SPOTTERON, please feel free to use this PNG files. You should be able simply to copy paste them from here with the links included - thank you!

Logo iDiv Leipzig Logo SPOTTERON CitizenScience

You can download the original video as *.mp4 file directly here on this blog and use it freely, as long as you include the correct citation of authorship below it. You can even upload the video to your own YouTube channel or distribute the video on your social media accounts if you cite the authorship correctly. Or you can also share the YouTube Clips directly from our channel for sure.


Download Explore Citizen Science (Full Clip)

Here you can download the original file of the full clip for dissemination:
Download EXPLORE CITIZEN SCIENCE - Original clip (mp4)


Short Video Versions (Promotion format)

Explore Citizen Science - Episode 1:
Henri and the microcosm
Download original (mp4)

Explore Citizen Science - Episode 2:
The family and the birds
Download original (mp4)

Explore Citizen Science - Episode 2:
Exploring the waters
Download original (mp4)


Localized versions (language variants)

There will also be localized versions in German and Portuguese ready soon. We will also add them above to the video dowloads list. Follow up on Twitter: https://twitter.com/spotteron or Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/spotteron to get the news first when they are released! If you would like to help with translations, we have a Google Doc file ready here where everyone can simply copy paste the content block and translate it to a new language.
Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cprIns-W93f62gUxjmTf7LAkgv9WLlMb3nrNlLN_H9w/edit - But please note: We will update the clip as soon as possible with new localizations, but please understand that it can take a while since we do this on our free time;)

What do the names mean?

Sophie did put much time into researching the names of the people, appearing in the videos. Here is a complete list of the references:

Explore Citizen Science Bloghead 01 Jean Henri Fabre

Jean-Henri Casimir Fabre (1823 – 1915)
Jean-Henri was a French naturalist, entomologist, and author known for the lively style of his popular books on the lives of insects.

Explore Citizen Science Video Bloghead 02 Amelia

Amelia Laskey (1885 - 1973)
Amelia was an American amateur naturalist and ornithologist noted for her contributions to biology despite her lack of formal education. Many publications refer to her as "Mrs F.C. Laskey."

Explore Citizen Science Video Bloghead 03 Lina

Emilie Karoline "Lina" Hähnle (1851 - 1941)
Lina was a German pioneer of bird conservation. She founded the Swabian league for bird protection in Germany which would later merge into what became the Naturschutzbund Deutschland (NABU).

Explore Citizen Science Bloghead 04 Rosalie Edge

Rosalie Edge (1877-1962)
Rosalie Edge was a socialite, suffragist and environmentalist who was at the forefront of bird conservation in 1930s America. In 1929 she founded the Emergency Conservation Committee to campaign against the bird shooting permitted on some Audubon Society reserves. Then, in 1934, appalled by the mass slaughter of migrating hawks over the Blue Mountain Ridge, Edge leased 1,400 acres and used it to create the world’s first refuge for birds of prey.

Explore Citizen Science Bloghead 05 Kathleen E. Carpenter

Kathleen E. Carpenter (1891–1970)
Kathleen was a British freshwater ecologist.[1][2] She is best known for her early studies of the effects of metal pollution on Welsh rivers and their biota, as well as her book Life in Inland Waters, the first textbook in English wholly devoted to freshwater ecology.

Explore Citizen Science Video Bloghead 06 Anna Tynne

Anna Thynne (1806–1866)
Anna was a British marine zoologist. She built the first stable and sustained marine aquarium in 1846 and maintained corals and sponges for over three years.

Explore Citizen Science Video Bloghead 07 Dorothy Wanja Nyingi

Dorothy Wanja Nyingi
Dorothy Wanja is a Kenyan ichthyologist and recipient of the Ordre des Palmes académiques (Order of Academic Palms) for her work on Fish Biodiversity and Aquatic Ecology. She is the head of the Ichthyology Department at the National Museums of Kenya. She is the author of the first guide to fresh water fish in Kenya, Guide to the Common Freshwater Fishes of Kenya.

We hope very much you like this collaborative work. If you use one of the clips on your own website or project, you can also drop us a message via office@spotteron.net or on social media and we will be happy to share with our online community.
Thanks the the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv), Halle-Jena-Leipzig for being open to a public release and for the great time, we had at the iDiv Citizen Science Summer School!


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