The aim is to actively involve zoo visitors and citizen scientists in the research activities of the University of Vienna (Department of Behavioural and Cognitive Biology together with the Konrad Lorenz Research Center) to monitor different crow species and individual crows’ behaviour in the zoo. These observations shall allow scientists to understand better the ecological factors determining their group dynamics.
The observations will also provide insights on the influence of ecological factors (e.g. food availability or presence of zoo animals) on their social behaviour.
While a particular focus lies to the area of the Zoo Vienna, observations from elsewhere in and around Vienna are welcome.
With the app you can observe several subspecies of crows native to central Europe, and also their behaviour, such as foraging, aggression, affection, and more, thus learning exciting facts about these fascinating birds.
During July 2020, there is also a competition for the citizen scientists to spot and correctly enter as many crow observations within the ZooVienna as possible. The winner will receive an annual ticket for the zoo!
Find the citizen science app in your app store:
Web-App for the browser: