#CitSci2019 Special Feature - get your Citizen Science apps 50% off

#CitSci2019 Special Feature - get your Citizen Science apps 50% off

Currently, the #CitSci2019 conference in Raleigh, NC is going on and we follow the workshops, sessions and comments via twitter from our SPOTTERON Citizen Science design office in Vienna, Europe. But since we always love to support Citizen Science, we decided spontanously to do another special for one project of any participant or group at the conference.

 The SPOTTERON Citizen Science package

The SPOTTERON Citizen Science platform is provides customly tailored apps for science projects with a strong focus on design, interactivity for creating active and buzzing communities and with many innovative features in one complete package, from tools for better data quality, a complete offline mode to a social community kit built directly in the apps. Any project on the platform consists of three parts:

SPOTTERON SmartPhoneApps

Smartphone apps (Android & IOS)

Custom tailored Smartphone Apps for your Citizen Science project with many features and high usability


embeddable interactive Web-App

interactive web-application with all platform features, which can be ebedded in any homepage

SPOTTERON DataAdministration

Data & community administration

easy-to-use administration interface for your team with filter options and data export


SPOTTERON is available for fixed-price packages, which always include 2 years of free runtime with app updates and maintenance for best stability and compatibility in the fast changing environment of mobile technology. Take a look at the available packages here:



Get a complete package for 50% reduced price!

For all participants of the #CitSci2019 conference we offer the 2 complete packages for 50% off the regular price. Simply fill the form below for a short description about your project and your contact information - The submission deadline is 7th of April and we will get other projects and scientists on the platform involved in the decision which submitted entry will be the ones by 15th of April. The offer includes either Package A oder Package B with all current features present on the SPOTTERON platform.

Offer closed.

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Samstag, 15. März 2025

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