Tune in for Citizen Science! SPOTTERON at the ECSA 2020 online conference for citizen science in Trieste, Italy

Tune in for Citizen Science! SPOTTERON at the ECSA 2020 online conference for citizen science in Trieste, Italy

From the 6th to 10th of September, the European Citizen Science Conference 2020 by ECSA will be held exclusively online in Trieste, Italy.

As members of ECSA and platform for Citizen Science Apps, we are glad to be part of an online session about "Technology Design". On Tuesday, 8th of September, we will discuss how design research can lead to fun and useful insights and delve into the practice of designing and developing citizen science technologies, exemplifying the process through a live demonstration of the collaborative SPOTTERON App platform. In an e-Poster Session, on the 10th of September, project leader Philipp Hummer will talk about "Synergies by design and Citizen Science on the SPOTTERON Platform". If you are planning to attend the talks, you can register and join the live events through the ECSA Conference Website by clicking on the desired sessions below. 

Logo Ecsa Conference

Tuesday, 08 September 2020 – 5.40-5:45pm: P5.3 Synergies by design - citizen science on the SPOTTERON app-platform
Phillip Hummer

Thursday, 10 September 2020 – 10.45-11.30am: 23.2 Designing a citizen science project? Let’s explore technology design & implementation!
Jessie L. Oliver and Philipp Hummer


european citizen science online conference 2020 in trieste italy

Let's talk about projects, data and the impact of Citizen Science. Join our open SPOTTERON-Zoom-Room!

You have questions concerning the SPOTTERON platform, about how the Apps work, or you just want to chat about the possibilities of citizen science with us? Then we gladly invite you into our open SPOTTERON-Chatroom with live app demonstrations during the conference. Everybody can join freely without registration here using the keyword ‚citsci‘.

The SPOTTERON-Zoom-Room is open from Monday, 7th September until Thursday 10th September from 10am until 8pm.


We are looking forward to having a talk about apps, design, project synergies and what the SPOTTERON platform can do for Citizen Science! See you online!


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